- First buy in is $100 for $1,000 in chips.
- One game only: Texas Hold ‘Em.
- Unlimited buy-ins before the dinner break at $50 each for $1000 in chips. These are only allowed when you are out of chips.
- Final add-on available at dinner break is $50 for $1000 in chips. No need to be out of chips for final add-on.
- A Half Blind and Full Blind is used: Player to left of dealer puts up half blind and second player to the left of dealer puts up full blind before cards are dealt.
- Check then raise is permitted.
- No limit (as much as one has can be bet by that person).
- Two decks are used, red and blue. After the hand is complete, the current dealer shuffles the just used cards for the player two seats to the left of him. The dealer never shuffles the deck that he/she will be dealing.
- All flipped cards will be burned.
- If a card is flipped to either the half or full blind position, it is a misdeal. A new hand is dealt to all.
- If a card is flipped to other than the half or full blind positions, it is shown to all then burned. The deal proceeds to the next player's hand. After all players have received their cards for that round, the player who had the card burned is dealt a card.
- If you show or tell one of your cards to someone (whether they are playing or not), you show everyone.
- No advice can be received from others during a hand.
- Table and table position are selected by drawing cards from the hat.
- Only players in the game are allowed to sit at the table.
- No table will play with fewer than five players.
- ALL players will draw a card after the dinner break.
- There is no sitting out of hands. Your cards are dealt, and blinds are lost.
- Antes will double in the game following the timer if a game is already in progress.
- If two or more players go out of the tournament at the same time, their positions are determined by who had the most chips starting that hand.
- Every player who makes it to the final table of TEN will receive some pay out. See Payouts for details.
- If the player scheduled to be the next dealer is knocked out of the tournament, they are required to deal the next hand as a phantom dealer so that the half and full blind bets are kept in order.